VIDEO: Abu Dhabi Police arrest gang for possessing 380kg of hashish - GulfToday

VIDEO: Abu Dhabi Police arrest gang for possessing 380kg of hashish


The criminals in Abu Dhabi Police's custody.

Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

The Abu Dhabi Police have arrested three Asians with 380 kilogrammes of hashish and 400,000 narcotic tablets in an operation called ‘Cross-border’ that dealt a heavy blow to dealers of these toxins.

Brigadier General Mohammed Suhail Al Rashidi, Director of Criminal Security Sector, praised the efforts of the anti-narcotic men and their keenness to follow watertight security measures that busted the operations of the gang, which was being run from outside the country.


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Colonel Taher Gharib Al Dhaheri, Director of Anti-Narcotics Directorate in the Criminal Security Sector, Abu Dhabi Police, said a tip-off was received that a gang was seeking to peddle a quantity of narcotics. Accordingly, a security plan was set to nab the gang members red-handed.

The plan led to the arrest of the gang members and seizure of the narcotics from them, he said, noting that the suspects confessed to the charges levelled against them. Legal measures were initiated against them and they were referred to the judicial authorities.

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