Ministry of Education obligates all employees to go for COVID-19 test - GulfToday

Ministry of Education obligates all employees to go for COVID-19 test


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Mohammed Ibrahim, Staff Reporter

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has recently obligated all its employees to subject to the COVID-19 test as soon as possible before resuming work, at any of the centers and hospitals available across the country, including the Ministry's headquarters in IPIC Tower, the Emirati School in Khalifa City, Dubai’s Ministry Office, Ajman Training Centre, and the Educational Districts.

Within the framework of cooperation and coordination between the MoE and the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), it has been decided that all MoE’s employees must subject to COVID-19 test for free on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 12-15 July at the Ministry’s headquarters — brainstorming hall — the first floor.

While on Thursday, 16 July, the COVID-19 test will be available at Ajman Training Centre.

The Ministry stated that employees who show known symptoms specified by medical authorities, must not resume work, and should inform their director, who in turn informs the Personnel Department. This is with the commitment and strict adherence to the preventive and precautionary measures.

The Ministry stressed the need to enter the screening data and a copy of the result to the system through a link that has been set for this purpose. It also stressed the importance of full commitment during the work hours to the precautionary measures previously announced, such as wearing masks, washing hands constantly, considering social distancing, refraining from visits between departments and shaking hands. 

The MoE has further called on its staff to download “Al Hosn” application and activate it to serve as an effective way to ensure their safety and the public health, with adhering to the implementation of the social distancing and procedures in force by the relevant authorities.


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