Emirates Park Zoo turns 10 today - GulfToday

Emirates Park Zoo turns 10 today


Visitors can expect an array of exciting presentations, quirky parades and plenty of showing off from their most precocious creatures.

On Sunday 10th November join the furry and wild family at Emirates Park Zoo for a very special day to celebrate ten years since they opened their doors. There will be exciting adventures, exclusive animal encounters and lots of fun activities for the whole family to enjoy. Best of all? There are a host of Birthday offers and discounts so you can have the best day out ever. 

Everyone in the zoo will be getting in on the celebrations and visitors can expect an array of exciting presentations, quirky parades and plenty of showing off from their most precocious creatures.  To make sure you have the best time, Emirates Park Zoo will be offering a series of exclusive discounts on the day, so make sure you get your tickets booked and don’t miss out. To make sure you can refuel and keep going, they are giving you 15% off in all of their delicious restaurants.

That means the whole family can have their fill of the chomping international bites, right beside the petting zoo and peacocks, feast on traditional Yemeni cuisine in our Heritage Village or indulge in rich Arabic flavours.

 Next up, to make sure you don’t miss a moment of those precious memories, you also get 25% off any of the photos taken by their expert photographers; who wouldn’t want a professional picture of them feeding a hippo or riding a camel?  Lastly, as an extra treat, you can get 50% off the exclusive books and toys in the Emirates Park Zoo story series.

  You can take home the adventures and characters from the EPZ family for this special price and learn all about Harry the Hippo, Geoffrey the Giraffe, Marcel the Monkey, Ghezaila the Camel and Madu and Rada the Elephants.  That is a treat the kids will absolutely love!

They say that the most successful are able to combine the security of roots with the vision of wings; a concept that has consistently been embodied by Emirates Park Zoo, in every way. This is a place that was born out of a love of animals and family, and a desire to share the wonder of wildlife and the protection of endangered species with the public in the hopes of building real change. Founded in Abu Dhabi by Dr Nasser Lakhribani Al Nuaimi, Emirates Park Zoo has always embraced its rich heritage and cultural traditions, bringing them into the modern era so that a wider audience can experience all they have to offer.

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