Dubai school inspections’ rules set to be changed - GulfToday

Dubai school inspections’ rules set to be changed


School leaders and principals at the welcome event hosted by KHDA.

Imran Mojib, Special Correspondent

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai, is all set to make important changes to the annual inspection of private schools in Dubai. The decision was taken after receiving feedback from the community and in consultation with the schools. More than 185 school leaders and principals were informed of the changes for 2019-20 inspection cycle at a gathering held recently to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year.

KHDA Director General Dr Abdulla Al Karam said, “Private school inspections began in Dubai 11 years ago and this year is very special to us because the graduating class represents a full cohort that has benefited from our policies with substantial improvements in our schools. Our reports have given parents clear and helpful information that reassures them of the quality of education, as well as informs them of their children’s future education choices.”

Schools that were rated “Outstanding” or “Very Good” in the previous inspection cycle will now receive review-visits aimed at ensuring they continue to provide high-quality education.

Schools inspectors will also assess plans put in place by schools to ensure that Emirati students are making progress towards reaching their potential. In addition to evaluating student attainment and progress, they will focus on the extent to which schools are fostering and cultivating Emirati students’ talents and skills. Following extensive feedback from the community, the Dubai School Inspection Bureau (DSIB) will shorten the notice period given to schools before inspections begin, from three weeks to five working days.

Additionally, inspections will continue to focus on priority areas, which include the National Agenda, moral education, UAE social studies, innovation, inclusion and reading.

A further change reiterating the KHDA’s commitment to minimise the environmental impact of inspection work will see inspectors operate on a paperless platform. Schools will be expected to use more sustainable ways of showcasing their strengths, ensuring a move away from paper-documents during the inspection process.

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