AI-backed robot cleans up beaches in Netherlands - GulfToday

AI-backed robot cleans up beaches in Netherlands


A prototype of 'Beachbot' on display.

Mostafa Al Zoubi, Gulf Today

Robots are automated entities who have been programmed with artificial intelligence.

The AI-backed robot with Dubai Police is a case in point. It features a computer touchscreen on its chest that can be used to report a crime or enquire about speeding tickets.

It answers queries from residents and helps tackle their issues.

Now, thanks to another robot, designed by a Dutch consultancy, cleaning up rubbish littered on the ground, either on the road or a beach, is a breeze.

The Dutch TechTics revealed a new robot named “BeachBot”  to clean up beaches of trash such as cigarette stubs and discarded bottles among other things.

The new robot can help identify the ends of cigarettes.

To be able to distinguish the cigarette ends accurately, it needs to preview about 2,000 different images of cigarette ends thrown away by people.

The prototype of the robot can work continuously for an hour, then it is recharged.

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