Find out how to stay positive during a pandemic - GulfToday

Find out how to stay positive during a pandemic

social distancing

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Gulf Today Report

Lockdown means limited access to friends and family, no get-together, restaurants, gyms or retail therapy for at least four weeks – and maybe longer.

It’s understandable if you’re finding things tough right now. The normal rules no longer apply and it’s natural to feel unsettled and anxious.

Despite this, it’s must we try and remain hopeful for the future. While this may feel like an impossible challenge right now, we’ve spoken to the experts to give a sense of perspective and, hopefully, help you feel more positive during this difficult time.


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Solve your problems using these effective tips

Organise your day

Experts emphasised the importance of structure in keeping spirits up at a challenging time. “Routine, routine, routine,” they said “Try to think about the key elements in your life before the current situation: work, social interaction (both formal and informal), play, intimacy, caring for others and chores. It’s worth thinking about what the balance normally looks like and how you can make a new balance work for you.”

.Getting out of bed early morning can be particularly helpful.

“You’ll be more likely to feel tired at bedtime and will find it much easier to maintain healthy sleeping habits.” Using an alarm clock that simulates sunrise is also a great idea as melatonin levels plummet, particularly for those who struggle with SAD.

Social-Media Excessive and negative use of social media can reinforce our stress and anxiety. File

Avoid excessive scrolling on social media

Doctors and psychologist warns against excessive scrolling on social media and other sites. “Browsing the internet all day may help us stay occupied and fight boredom, but its excessive and negative use can also reinforce our stress and anxiety.”

Watching excessive news about the pandemic or the harms it has caused may cause your anxiety to spiral out of control.

Get your news from trusted media outlets from time to time, but don’t get obsessed with it.

dubai fitness workout Doing exercise will help you to feel more energised for the day. File

Get moving

Experts highlight the value of exercise in increasing feelings of positivity.

Doing exercise will also help you to feel more energised for the day as it gets your heart pumping and stimulate oxygen circulation around your body, resulting in you feeling more awake.

Learn something new

While no-one’s expecting you to pen your first novel during lockdown, having a new project to focus your attention can be a game-changer.

Experts suggest Working on a project can be a great way of adding structure and fulfillment to a potentially daunting period of time at home.

“See what online resources are available to get you started or simply work through the reading list that you’ve been building. Whether it be cooking, drawing or finally tackling the DIY project that you’ve been putting off, use this time to achieve something you’ve always been too busy for."

Stay in touch with your relatives and friends

It’s vital to stay connected - create a support bubble if you can - and ensure you make the most out of online communications,” he adds. “Get dates in the diary, such as a weekly Zoom with a loved one, and search out virtual community events.”



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